The new French Cabinet has not yet been formed, bnt
it seems probable that M. Poincare, to whom the task has been intrusted, will have his list ready by Saturday. M. Bourgeois, who was offered any post he liked, prefers to remain at the Hague; but M. Delcasse has agreed to stay at the Foreign Office. The War Office is, of course, the most difficult post to fill, and it seems probable that M. Poincare will take it himself. That will be the best arrangement, for there may yet be trouble in regard to the Dreyfus Court-Martial. At any rate, M. de Blowitz is evidently uneasy as to the general condition of France. He notes in his telegram to Friday's Times a furious outbreak of calumny, always a bad sign in France, and states that Madame Lonbet has been flooded with anonymous letters of a most atrocious kind ; most of them apparently written by people with a good, even a high, social status, to judge by the paper, the handwriting, and the spelling.