James Frederick Ferrier. By E. S. Haldane. (oliphant,...
Ferrier. ls. 6d.)—Ferrier, who died thirty-five years ago, was a prominent figure in the small but highly cultivated circle of St. Andrews (where he was Professor of Moral......
Man, Past And Present. By A. H. Keane. (cambridge Univer-
sity Press. 12s.)—This volume is, we learn from the preface, a continuation of the first volume of the " Cambridge Geographical Series,"—" Ethnology." In two preliminary......
A Country Schoolmaster : James Bleats. Edited By Robert ....
(Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. 6s.)--James Shaw began life as an artisan, made an unsuccessful attempt at business on his own account, and then took up what was evidently his real......
The Legend Of St. Mark. By The Rev. John Byles.
(T. Fisher Uciwin. 3s. 6d.)—Mr. Byles follows up two admirable volumes of " Sunday Morning Talks to the Children" by a third of equal merit. Possibly he has already availed......
Light From The East. By The Rev. C. J. Ball.
(Eyre and Spottiswoode. 12s.)—The sub-title of this volume is " The Witness of the Monuments," and its purpose is described by the words, "An Introduction to the Study of......
Current Literature.
SOME BOOKS OF THE WEEK. (Under this heading ice notice such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for review in other forms.] What is a Bounty ? By Lord Farrer. (Cassell......
Yule And Christmas. By Alexander Tille, Ph.d. (david...
Tille has taken a great deal of pains to connect the Christmas festival with various observances and customs in old German life. It would require the knowledge of a specialist,......
Tales That Ought To Be Told. By Allen Clarke. (pendlebury
and Son, Bolton.)—" Cuts from a Lancashire Loom " is the sub-title of this book. The " cuts " are tales of factory life, and the like, and are written with no little vigour and......