[To THE ED/TOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SI12:—YORT correspondent signing himself " Questioner " criti- cizes very drastically the publications of the Guild of Health, apparently on the ground that the Guild stamps bodily health with its approval as a state of grace; that it teaches that sick men are out of touch with God; that it approves of the exor- cisms of the witch doctor; that it teaches that the path of righteousness is the same as that of physical well-being; that the course of action which is salutary for the body is neces- sarily equally healthy for the soul; and that the maimed or marred invalid, even if his ill-health is the result of some beautiful act of self-sacrifice, is on a lower spiritual plane than the sleek and healthy egotist. I can only say that I am amazed that anyone who knows the publications of the Guild of Health should believe that any such doctrines are taught. We do indeed believe that health is, in normal circumstances, the will of God, and that disease is a sign that God's purposes are not being carried out and that His laws are being ignored, but we are most careful to insist upon the truth that no one has the right to say that any particular person's disease is due to their sin. We are constantly teaching that it is better to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with one hand or one eye rather than having two hands or two eyes to be cast into hell. But, indeed, " Questioner's " letter is such an extraordinary travesty of the whole teaching of the Guild of Health that it is difficult to answer it in any other way than to say that we can
hardly believe that the writer has read the publications which he criticizes. If any your readers wish to know what those teachings are they can quite easily obtain the literature of the Guild by applying to our office.—! am, Sir, &c.,
HAROLD Amos (Chairman of the Guild of Health). 3 Bedford Square, W.C. 1.