17 JUNE 1922, page 19

A Feasting Stoic.* Ma. F. L. Leeee's Lsook On Seneca

and his influence on the Eliza. betimes lg.& model of all that the geneeal reader desiresin a =nee graph. Seneca is a capital hero fur such a study ;. the unbending stoic......

A Fellowship With Wild Birdb.f A Grudging' Estimate Of This

volume might call the text a pendent to the incomparable illustrations of American birds with- their nests, eggs and young which so enrich it. That would be unfair to MIS.......

Tito Journal Of A Lady Of Quality.* Kr The First

night of a certain play, a man in the front row of the stalls behaved very badly. He stood up, waved his arms, told • The Journal of a Lady of Quality, 1174 to 1770. Edited by......