17 JUNE 1922, page 2

We Desire To Call The Attention Of British Manufacturers To

a letter from Sir Maurice de Bunsen, which we publish elsewhere. The forthcoming exhibition at Rio de Janeiro ought to be a good opportunity for opening up new- markets. During......

The British•goverranent.last Saturday A,ddreised A...

Government on the Hague Conference. It was, they said, to be a conference of experts; who would engage in a practical discussion of the.Russiaar problem. They must decline to......

The Bolsheviks Have Renewed. Their Persecutionof The...

protesting against the wholesale seizure. of sacred vessels, ostensibly to be sold for the. benefit. of -the famine- stricken, five priests.. were shot last week in Moscow. Tho......

Selves To:names Beforehand. , "in Two Or Three Hundred...

world, may look beak upon republics as:symbols of tyranny. Do not pub that-bar on .the march of a nation." All this -may seem to - . blow both- hot: and cold and in'. places -......

The Committee Of Hairkera; Who Met In Paris On May

24th to discuss-the raising. of a foreign loan. :by Germany, reported last Saturday that. theansaa of a loan :was impracticable under existing conditions. The. committee,......

Mr. Pierpont Morgan, In A Personal Statement, Explained...

joined - the committee as a private banker, holding no authority from the American Government, because he realized the enormous importance of the matter both to Europe and to......

The Committee Pointed: Out . That .the Lending Public - Did

not feel assured that "the obligations . of Germany, as. they: are at present defined and: as they- may - be enforced, are within her capacity,- and that hen will and. intention......

The French Government, Replying On Sunday To-the Memoran-...

Mr. Lloyd George that there were "profound divergences on Many important points" between the Allies, and that the. experts at The.Hague ought to oome to an agree- ment before......

On Friday, June 9th, Mr. Collins And Mr. De Valera

were present at a meeting in Dublin held in the interest of the panel candidates, that is to say, the candidates agreed upon by the, Collins-De Valera coalition. What Mr.......