selves to:names beforehand. , "In two or three hundred years the
world, may look beak upon republics as:symbols of tyranny.
Do not pub that-bar on .the march of a nation." All this -may
seem to-. blow both- hot: and cold and in'. places - to be encouraging, but we still: think I Collins's attitude:. towards Northern. Ireland:. rather ominous: And. ha, spoke in a more fiery way- against:, Northern Ireland. in. a-, statement which he: made later to. the ..Dablin: correspondent of the New l'orla Herald.. He deolared that it. was "universally: believed"
that .althenglx British troops had hesitated to. take any action against " the savage:antieatholic mobs at Belfast," they had
shown ." an astonishing: teadiness,to become involved, with the LR.A." on the boundary • line., He agreed that the action of the iiregularaininvacling Northern Ireland-had-been foolish and irresponsible, andi had: contributed:towards the present. situa-
tion, .bathe went.:
`-` Let me ;say, that whilst. I Will strain every llerVer' .to” avoid' a clash between British and Irish- troops on the North-Eastern border,- and :whilst I am quite sanguine- that ,my. efforts :will meat with success,-, it does not. in.. any way indicate - that my Government have not a very definite policy to put into effect as a last resource against that demoniacal barbarism which is aiming. at the- extermination- of our people.