The British•Goverranent.last Saturday a,ddreised a memoran- dum to the French
Government on the Hague Conference. It was, they said, to be a conference of experts; who would engage in a practical discussion of the.Russiaar problem. They must decline to ask for the withdrawal of the Belthevik note of May 11th, which' should be entirely disregarded. They could not agree to the French. demand' for the restoration of private property in Russia to its foreign owners.; the Bolsheviks could choose between restoring. property and paying' compensation. The Government rejected the French proposal,..which is also the American proposal;. that the. experts should first inquire into the state of Russia.- and. suggest means of reconstruction The experts- should avoid politics and deal with the questions of Russian debts, private property,, and credits.' The memorandum was somewhat sharply worded, and suggested that the French Government did not remember. what. was done at. Cannes-and at Genoa.