[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Some year or ets ago, when we were overwhelmed with letters from French and English people who were anxious to spend their holidays on the other side of the Channel, or were seeking tutorial posts and situations au pair, &c., we sought the hospitality of your columns in order to invite any of your readers to inform us whether they were in a position to render any of these mutual services. The multitudinous answers we received have enabled us to satisfy the needs of thousands of applicants, and so to help forward in a most enduring and effective manner the object for which the Society exists, viz., the promotion of good relations between the people of France and England. Now, however, our lists are nearly exhausted. Applications continue to come in, but few names remain on our books. We therefore once more beg the favour of a little space in your columns to ask any of your readers who can assist us in thus strengthening the bonds between the two countries to write, with full particulars, to the Honorary Secretary, Anglo-French Society, Scala House, Tottenham Street, W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c., HENRY D. DAVRAY, Hon. See.
Anglo-French Society, Scala House, Tottenham. Street, W. 4.