There .is good news of the1Motmt Everest expedition. On May!
20th four members of -the party ramped below the summit at a height of 25,000 feet, never beforeattained by man. Three of the party—Mr. Mallory, Mr. Somervell and-Major Norton— climbed next day to a height of '26,800,feet, without the doubtful aid of oxygen, and deseendedsafely. 1Mount Everest is just over 29,000 feet high, and it has yet to be seen whether the human body is capable of withstanding the terrific. Armin of breathing and climbing in the rarefied atmosphere found at such altitudes. Last year's survey seemed -to show that the -final ascent would present no insuperable difficulties to experienced climbers, if the peak were not so high. The physiological problem remains to be solved. Mr. Mallory, after his experiences last year, was somewhat doubtful of success. He and his colleagues have, however, done so well in climbing 2,200 feet higher than any man has climbed before that they may by now have reached the summit of the loftiest mountain on the earth.