With deep regret we record the death of Mr. D.
C. Lathhury, who was in his ninety-second year. 'His influence upon British journalism will not easily be forgotten and cannot be replaced. Ile was through and through a man of magnificent honesty and independence. In 1883 he became editor of the Guardian, which was then not so prosperous as it had been, and his ability, his great distinction -as a writer and his clear and firni opinions instantly made themselves felt. In politics he was an old-fashioned Liberal, but he was enough of a Gladstonian to follow Gladstone in the Home Rule split. Again, the honesty of his convictions, to which he would never have dreamed of being untrue even if they had required him to die in a -ditch, drove him to oppose the whole policy of the South African War. His disagreement with the proprietors of the Guardian• at that time became so acute -that he left the Guardian.