The Congress at Vienna, according to a telegraphic despatch in the _Morning Post, has already led to one important step.
" Vienna, March 16, (Friday Right.)—At the meeting of the Congress yesterday, the Plenipotentiaries exchanged their powers, and commenced proceedings. The four bases, and the interpretation given to them by the Allies, having been set forth, the representatives of Russia accepted them 'verbally. A protocol in the same sense is to be signed tomorrow, when the Ambassadors will meet. This document will constitute the basis of the ne- gotiations for peace. There has been no meeting today, the Congress having adjourned from yesterday till tomorrow."
Other telegraphic despatches have also their special but inferior in- terest.
"Pa,-u, Friday Night.—The mission of General Wedell has completely failed. Prussia refuses to accede to the treaty with the Allies ; and will not, therefore, be admitted to the conferences."
"Berlin, :Maras 15.—The reorganization of Poland is determined on. The Emperor has enlarged the powers of Prince Paskiewitsch."