Postscript. Sat1tbday.
The Congress at Vienna, according to a telegraphic despatch in the _Morning Post, has already led to one important step. " Vienna, March 16, (Friday Right.)—At the meeting of......
Krbtatrro Pilusir.
Les leux Innocens, written in French verve by M. Fonssier—Anglice, A Genie of Romps, written in English prose by Mr. J. M. Morton—shows, when produced at the Princess's Theatre,......
The House Of Commons Was Chiefly Occupied Last Night In
hearing ex- planations of two important measures,—one on National Education, in- troduced by Sir John Pakington ; the other on the management of the Metropolis by local......
The Telegraphic Summary Of The Contents Of The Overland Mail
arrived this morning from Trieste. The dates are—Bombay, February 17; Hong- kong, January 22. "Dust Alahomed received the Governor-Generars letter with great re- spect; and has......
Money Market.
BioCK ExcuANoR, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market has experienced a decided improvement this week, equal to about 1 percent; and the purchases of some influential......