KINGSLEY'S WESTWARD HO! . MR. KINGSLEY has secured the first requisite of success as a novel- ist, by choosing an interesting subject, which both excites and jus- tifies the......
The New African Expedition.
Tin Anglo-Saxon will never cease working at the seaboard of Africa, with efforts to penetrate the interior, until the whole of that continent be subdued to civilization. There......
Burying In Lime.
Lea/cells How, Ambleeide, 14th March 1855. Sin—The Reverend E. G. Parker, one of the witnesses who gave his evi- dence before the Committee of inquiry relative to our Army in......
Vine Writing.
15th March 1855. , Sin—You have done good service to literature by protesting against the - ambition of "fine writing" which has seized some writers in the present slay, an......
Fetus To Tbr Ititur. Almoners For The Poor.
London, 12th March 1855. SIR—May I be permitted to say a few words in reply to a letter which appears in the columns of your last number ? By the tone of your corre- spondent's......