The telegraphic summary of the contents of the Overland mail
arrived this morning from Trieste. The dates are—Bombay, February 17; Hong- kong, January 22.
"Dust Alahomed received the Governor-Generars letter with great re- spect; and has sent his son, the heir to his throne, to Peshawur' to nego-
tiate an alliance. The official inaum rail ation of the way took place on the 3d of February, at Burdwan. The health of Lord Dalhousie is much shaken"
"In China much fighting had taken place between the Imperialists and the rebels near Canton. In the North of China the Imperialists have suf- fered serious reverses."
The Australian mail received today reports all quiet in Australia. The "case" of the Diggers had been so far recognized, that the Lieutenant- Governor had appointed a Commission to investigate the facts ; a Com- mittee appointed by the Diggers sat with the Commissioners to watch proceedings ; and before this Commission several instances came out of indiscriminate violencea committed by the troopers on the unoffending part of the population. It is evident that some of the men had joined in the outbreak lest they should be attacked and disarmed by the rioters; who were without either plan or efficient leaders. .About half the number were Irish, with a strong infusion of foreigners. Letters from Bal- larat, of the 24th December, mention that the Commissioners had just proceeded to Eureka.