17 MARCH 1855, Page 20


WAR-OFFICE, March 13.-7th Regt. of Foot-Lieut.-Gen. S. B. Auchmuty, from the 65th Foot, to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Brown, K.C.B. removed to the Bide Brigade. 44th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. Ashworth to be Col. vice Gen. the Hon. Sir P. Stuart, dec. 55th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. H. E. Butler, from the 94th Foot, to be Col. vice Gen. J. M. Hamerton, C.B. dec. 60th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. T. Banbury to be Col. Commandant of a Battalion, vice Gen. W. C. Eustace, CB. dec. 65th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. H. Balneavit C.M.G. to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. 8. B. Auchmutv, removed to the 7th Foot. 94th Foot-Lieut.-Gen. G. P. Higginson to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. H. E. Butler, removed to the 55th Foot.

'Rifle Brigade-Lieut.-Gen. Sir G. Brown, horn the 7th Foot, to be Col Commandant of a Battalion, vice Gen. Sir A. Barnard, G.C.B. dec. .Orriez or ORDNANCE, March 12.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Second Lieut. W. Newcome to be First Lieut. by augmentation ; J. Mason, Gent, to be Veterinary Berg.; T. J. Williamson, Gent, to be Veterinary Burg. Corps of Royal Engineers.-Second Lieut. W. A. Frankland to be First Lieut. 'vice Belson, promoted.

Hospital Staff-To be Acting Assistant-Surrons-C. F. Monis, Gent.; A. J. Stewart, Gent. ; W. T. Irwin,. Gent. ; A. R. Smith, Gent. ; R. Lucas, Gent.; T. B. Berry, Gent.; A. 0. W. Swame, M.D.; W. R. Afackley, Gent. ; C. 0. Daniell, Gent.; M. J. Jones, Gent. ; It. H. Beale, Gent,

Memoranda.-Major- Gen. T. 8. Trafford, Major on half-pay 24th Foot, has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission. The Brevet pro- motion of the 20th of June 1854, conferred on Capt. J. Du Bordieu, on his restora- tion to full pay in the 48th Foot, as stated in the Gazette of the 2d of Feb. has been cancelled. The name of the gentleman appointed to an Ensigncy in the Rifle Bri- gade on the 3d instant, is Cragg, and not Craig, as then stated. WAR-OFFICE, March 16.-6th Regiment of Dragoon Guards-A. C. Haymes, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase. 1st Dragoons-Regimental Sergt.-Major G. Cruse to be Riding Master. 241 Dragoons-Cornet A. S. M. Browne to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Woddrop, who retires; Assist.-Surg. C. C. ;Rutherford, from the 62d Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Armstrong. who exchanges. 6th Dragoons-Staff-Surg. of the Second Class F. H. Baxter, M.D. to be Burg. vice Wilson, who exchanges. 8th Light Dragoons-Cornet A. C. Haymes, from the 6th Dragoon Guards, to be Cornet.

1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards-A. C. H. D. Pennant, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut, by purchase, vice Fullerton, who retires. 4th Regiment of Foot -J. D. Dickinson, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase. 7th Foot-R. W. Sparks, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 17th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-L. J. Seagram, Gent. ; H. A. Little, Gent. 18th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-S. Mined', Gent. ; C. N. Fry, Gent. 19th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-H. Blake, Gent.; W. H. Moffat, Gent. 20th Foot-J. G. Barrow, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 23d Foot-To be Captains without purchase -Lieuts. H. Bathurst, vice Hughes, deceased ;. B. Granville. To be Lieutenants without purchase-Ensigns R. H. Somerville, vice Bathurst; J. L. O'Connor' vice Somerville, whose promotion on the 9th Feb. 1855 has been cancelled; the Hon. N. Fiennes, vice Horsford, deceased; J. de Vic Tupper, vice Fiennes, whose pro- motion on the 9th March 1855 has been cancelled. To be Ensigns without pur- chase-A. M. Law, Gent ; P. H. Knight, Gent. 28th Foot-Lieut. S. Hackett to be Capt. by purchase, vice Rawson, who retires. To be Ensigns without purchase -W. Collum, Gent.; A. M. A. Page, Gent. 394 Foot-Ensign P. C. Webb to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cumming, who retires. 33d Foot-To be Ensign by pur- chase-R. Statham, Gent. To be Ensigns without purchase-Ensign R. F. Bad- cock, from the 1st Somerset Militia ; R. L. Bayliff, Gent. ; It. H. Roberts, Gent.; George Augustus Eliot, Gentleman; Alfred Robert William Thistlethwayte, Gent. 34th Foot - R. Leeson, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 38th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-G. Grieve, Gent.; C. Is FitzGerald, Gent ; J. T. Car-

roll, Gent. 39th Foot-R. Gray, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 41st Foot -Lieut. F. B. Dixon to be Capt. without purchase, vice Fitzroy, appointed to the Coldstream Guards ; E. J. B. Donelan, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 420 Foot- To be Ensigns without purchase-A. J. Bramly, Gent.; R. K. Bayly, Gent. . 44th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-G. L. Mellish, Geot. ; G. E. Hodg- son, Gent. 46th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-T. M. Kelson, Gent. ; F. R. Fishbourne, Gent 47th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-A. C. Cattley, Gent.; G. W. Davorn, Gent.; G. F. King, Gent.; R. O'Connor, Gent.; G.

D. Dawson, Gent. 99th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-E. J. Cresswell, Gent.; .1. B. Scott, Gent. 50th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-R. S. L. 8. Pasley, Gent.; C. Hudson, Gent. 55th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-C. E. Theoliald, Gent.; W. F. Le Peer French, Gent. vice Scott, whose appointment on the lith Dec. 1854 has been cancelled; W. R. Russell, Gent. 57th Foot-Lieut. B. Goble, from the 3d IVest India Ent to be Lieut. To be Ensigns without purchase -S. H. Powell. Gentleman ; E. Brutton, Gentleman; W. A. R. Thompson, Gentle- man. 58th Foot-Colour-Sergeant Charles Stapp to be Ensign, without purchase. 62d Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase -W. L. It. Scott, Gent ; A. F. Walsh, Gent ; J. A. ChippindaU, Gent. To be Assistant-fiurgeon-Assist.-Surg. J. J. Armstrong, from the 2d Drags. vice Rutherford, who exchanges. 63d Foot-Lieut. C. J. af agnay to be Capt. without purchase, vice Woodford, appointed to the flact Foot. To be Ensigns without purchase-G. de L. Lacy, Gent.• ' C. B. Brown, Gent. ; W. G. Graves, Gent. 68th Foot-B. W. Cave, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 71st Foot-W. B. Cowburn, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 77th Foot -P. S. Dauncey, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase; J. P. Pigott, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dawson, appointed to the 6th Drags. 78th Foot-Ensign G. D. Barker to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sydenham, who retiree. 79th Foot-W. B. Robertson, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 84th Foot- Ensign G. J. A. Oakley to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Barwell, who retires. 88th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-T. Burke. Gent.; F. N. Dew. Gent. 89th Foot-Lieut. H. Lamont, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut.; W. N. Manners, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 90th Foot-W. Knight, Gent. to be Ensign, • by purchase. 93d Foot-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. Woodford, from the 694 Foot, to be Capt. without purchase, rice Spratt, appointed to the 69th Foot. 95th Foot-To be Ensigns without purchase-i. Tolcher, Gent.; Lieut. A. M. Rawlins, from the 1st Warwickshire Militia ; J. G. Johnson, Gent. 97th Foot-To be Ensign without purchase-W. Dawes, Gent.

1st West India Regt. -F. East, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase, vice the Hon. C. M. H. Forbes, appointed to the 95th Foot. Sd West India B.egt-To be Lieuts. without purchase-Ensign A. A. Richardson, vice Goble, appointed to the 57th Foot; Ensign H. W. Hartford, vice Lamont, appointed to the 89th Foot.

Ceylon Rifle Regt.-Lieut. J. A. Fraser to be Capt.. without purchase, vice Wat- son, who retires upon full-pay ; Second Lieut. J. C. Fielding to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Fraser.

Land Transport Corps-To be Quartermaster of Brigade -Troop-Sergt-Major H. Hilliker, from the 3d Light Drags. To be MX-Regimental-Sere:Major W. Corbett, from the 7th Light Drags.

Staff-Capt. C. E. Thornton, of the 86th Foot, to be Assist.-Adjt. of a Depot Battalion.

Chaplains-The Rev. H. Egan, officiating Chaplain in the Camp before Sebastopol, to be a Commissioned Chaplain to the Forces.

Garrisons-The Rev. C. Rogers, LL.D. to be Chaplain to the Garrison of Stirling Castle, vice Watson, deceased.

Hospital Staff-Staff-Surg. of the Second Class W. Parry to be Staff-Surg. of the First Class, vice Humfrey, promoted; Surg. R. Wilson, M.D. from the 6th Drags, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Baxter, who exchanges; Assist-Sum. , E. S. Protheroe, from the Ordnance Medical Department, to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Newton, deceased.


The under-mentioned officers to be promoted to the rank of CoL in accordance• with the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854-Lieut.-Col. J. H. Grant, C.B. of, the 9th Light Drags. ; Lieut-CoL C. H. Ellice, of the 24th Foot ; Major and Bre- ■ et-Lieut.-Col. E. IL Jeffreys, 88th Regt. to have his Brevet converted into sub- stantive Rank Matt. in accordance with the Royal Warrant of the 6th Oct. 1854, Captain R. Watson, retired full-pay, Ceylon Regiment, to have the honorary rank of Major in the Army. The undermentioned Officers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, having completed three years' service as Lient.-CoL to have the rank of Col. in the Army, in accord., ance with the Royal Warrant for the Ordnance Deportment: Lieut.-Col. J. I. Hope; Lieut.-Col. R. J:Stotherd ; Lieut.-Col. A. Gordon; Lieut.-Col. C. Rose.

The ugdermentioned officers on the retired full-pay list of the Royal Engineers to.' have the honorary rank of Cul. in consequence of the officers who stood next below them having been promoted-Lieut-CoL T. C. Luxmore, Lieut.-Col. W. Faris,. Lieut.-Col. T. Hore,

Lieut. R. Cadell, of the Madras Artillery, employed on a particular service in Tur-. key, to have the Local Rank of Capt. while so employed. The undermentioned promotion to take place, consequent on the death of General: B., J. Latter, of the East India Company's Service, on the 25th Feb.- To be General in the East Indies.-Lieut.-Gen. A. Andrews, C.B. Madras Infan- try; Col. W. F. Beatson, of the East India Company's Army, employed on a par-,

ticular service in Turkey, to have the local rank of Major-Gen, while so employed ; • Capt. F. Kane, of the 15th Regt. of Bombay Native Infantry, to have the local rank • of Major in the Army in the East Indies.

The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's Service, who retired upon full-pay previously to the introduction of the new system of promotion, to be ad- vanced to a step of Brevet rank in the East Indies, in order to place them in as fa-. vourable a position as those officers of their rank who may hereafter retire under that system, the rank in both cases being only honorary ; their commissions bear date 28th Nov. 1854-

To be Colonel in the East Indies-Lieut.-Col. R. W. Baldock, Bengal Infantry. To be Lieut.-Cols. in the East Indies-Majors J. R. Wornum, Bengal Infantry; J. Bartleman, Bengal Infantry ; G. Ranken, Bengal Infantry; W. Brown, Bombay Infantry. To be Majors in the East Indies-Captains A. Chisholm, Madras Infantry ; T. R. James, Madras Infantry ; J. French, Ben gal Infantry ; E. B. Stevenson, Madras Infantry ; J. B.. Lumley, Bengal Infantry; C. R. Mackenzie, Madras Infantry; P. E. Warburton, Bombay Infantry.

The undermentioned Officers of the East India Company's Service, retired upon full-pay, to have rank in the East Indies as follows ; their commissions bear date. March 16, 1855-

To be Colonels in the East Indies-Lieut.-Cols. W. F. Grant, Bengal Infantry; W. Rawlins, Madras Infantry; G. S. Wilkinson, Madras Infantry ; P. W. Willis, Bengal Eagmeers. To be Lieutenant-Colonels in the East Indies-Majors P. T. French, Bombay Infantry ; S. R. Bagshawe, Bengal Infantry ; J. S. G. ltyley, Bengal Light Cavalry ; W. Edwards, Bengal infantry; C. Wollaston, Bengal Light Infantry ; A. Park, Bengal Infantry ; H. J. 11•George, Bengal Infantry ; C. Gordon, Madras Infantry.