ADMIRALTY, March 1.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. A. de H. Nepean
be Capt.; First Lieut. H. Sprain to be Capt.; First Lieut. G. E. 0. Jackson to be Capt.; Second Lieut. T. P. Newell to be First Lieut. vice Nepeau, promoted ; Se-' cond Lieut. F. G. le Grand to be First Lieut. vice Sprain, promoted ; Second Lieut. S. J. Graham to be First Lieut. vice Jackson. promoted; Second Lieut. R. F. Tay- ler to be First Lieut.; Second Lieut. J. W. V. Arbuckle to be First Lieut. ; Second Lieut, A. H. Ozzard to be First Lieut.; Second Lieut. E. B. Pritchard to be First Lieut.; Second Lieut. G. F. Blake to be First Lieut.
Anminavrir, March 13.-Corps of Royal Marines-First Lieut. F. A. P. Wood to be Capt. vice Varlo, to half-pay; Second Lieut. R. Kirwan to be First Lieut. vice Wood, promoted.