t 4r Truman.
Lordlifonck, appealing to his constituents of Portsmouth to ratify his appointment as a Lord of the_ Treasury, encountered a smart canvassing opposition at the eleventh hour, when the Radicals brought down Mr. Sergeant Gaselee to oppose him. At the nomination, on Monday, Lord Monck was proposed by Mr. Alderman Scale, and seconded by Mr. C. B. Smith; Mr. Gaselee was proposed by Mr. W. P. Grant, and seconded by Mn Alderman White. The show of hands was greatly in favour of the Government candidate ; and at the poll, on Tuesday, he maintained his superiority—For Mona, 1478; for Gaselee, 473; majority for Monek, 1005.
Sir Robert Peel was reelected for Tamworth, on Wednesday, without opposition. In his speech on the occasion he made some eccentric state- ments—eccentric, that is, considered as the views of one of the Lords of the Admiralty.
"The great arm of England is on the sea ; and in a few days a hundred pennants will be afloat in the Baltic, sweeping that sea, and blockading every Russian port The policy of England is to do more than this. We must no longer be either paralysed or humbugged by Austria ; neither must Prussia, under the cloak of neutrality, be permitted to be the Russian
Let Moldavia and Wallachia be set up as an independent kingdom, as a check upon Russia and Prussia, as Belgium was a quarter of a century ago. Let Poland be restored to its place amongst nations—another efficient bulwark against the aggressions of Russia." In 1812 England was looked to as the shelter of the liberties of Europe; in 1865 she would be found not only checking the aggressions of Russia, but successfully maintaining the liber- ties of the people of Europe. lord Palmerston is disposed not only to re- store peace, but to .preserve the liberties of nations. Sir Robert asked for his Government fair play, but no favour : if he attempted not this, and at- tempted no reforms in our military system let each constituency harass his Government with the expression of its disapprobation.
.Sir Stafford Northcote was elected for Dudley on the 9* without a real opposition. Mr. Baldwin, the late Mayor of Birmingham, was nomi- nated without his consent, and by a mistake of his supporters a poll was taken ; but it produced only 3 votes to 346.
-The Barnstaple election of a Member in the room of Mr. John Laurie, unseated, took place on Saturday. Mr. Tile, the Liberal candidate, with- drew from the contest, expressing an opinion that he could only have succeeded by resorting to bribery. Mr. George Stuckley Buck, son of Mr. Buck M.P., a Militia Colonel of Conservative opinions, was elected without opposition.
The Manchester Peace men again met on Tuesday; but the luminaries were local notables. Mr. Wilson announced that the memorial to Lord Pelmerston, ordered at the last meeting, had that day been submitted to the public for signature; and that "the signatures had been as numerous a4 could be expected for the find day's exhibition in the town and on the Royal Exchange."
At Salisbury Assizes, Henry Farstone pleadearguilty to stealing a pollard. The theft was committed soon after he had be6n liberated on a ticket-of- leave, and while he had yet money in his possession given to him when he left prison. Sentence, six years' penal servitude.
Four soldiers of the Royal Artillery were convicted of shooting at and wounding John Fowler, at Devizes. There was a "row" at a public-house between soldiers and civilians; two soldiers were taken away by the Police ; the other soldiers became still more riotous: first they got their swords, with intent to use them on a mob, but were prevented • then they obtained a oarbine, and the four prisoners repeatedly loaded it and end at the crowd --Fowler was wounded. The worst offender in this outrage was sentenced tale traaaperted_for. life, and his emapealcamt foe .foorteea years each. At Lincoln, Elizabeth Lownd, a girl of eighteen, was tried for the murder of her illegitimate infant. She appears to have buried it alive—placed it on the ground, and covered it with earth and sods. She was in great distress when she committed the inhuman act. The Jury gave a verdict for the lesser offence of "manslaughter." Sentence, fifteen years' transportation.
At Salisbury, William Wright has been convicted of the murder of Ann Collins, at Lydiard Tregoz. She had lived with him, but left him for a time ; on her return, he killed her, and attempted to destroy himself. He was sentenced to be hanged.
South Wales has recently been sighed by a gang of burglars, who have committed many daring depredations. Three burglaries were perpetrated in Carmarthen, last week, in one night. The houses of a tradesman, a com- mercial traveller, and a clergyman, were plundered. At Mr. Lewis's they were disturbed : a sick lady was lying awake; a ruffian entered her room ; she gave an alarm, and the burglars carried off less than they had intended. They appear to have previously visited the Reverend Mr. Williams's, next door to Mr. Lewis's: there they got much valuable plunder, but overlooked much more ; they took silver from the pocket of Mr. Williams's trousers by his bedside, but missed some gold: they regaled themselves before they de- parted. Not one of them has been taken : it is believed that they came from a distant part of the country.
Two of the mills at Messrs. Pigou and Wilks's powder-manufactory at Dartford exploded on Saturday evening. One man was much burnt, and another was hurt by falling materials ; but no lives were lost.
Six children were incautiously left by a miner in a room at Llanelly with a barrel of gunpowder. The children heated a poker, thrust it through the bung-hole, and blew the house up; killing two of themselves on the spot.