That is the line which Mr. Lloyd George ought to
have taken from the beginning. It was never right, ar: Z never could be Fight, to parley with visitors who, as was well known all the time, came over to help sedition. A correspondent has sent us a eolry of the Gaelic American, a journal " devoted to the cause of Irish independence, Irish literature, and the interests of the Irish race" published in New York. The issue is dated April 28th, 1919. It contains a great deal about the visit of the three Irish-American &legates. One article is headed " Recognition of Irish Republic Demanded." Hero are some of the sub- headings of this article : "Splendid Meeting in Lexington Theatre, New York, Celebrates Third Anniversary of the Easter Week Rising in Ireland " ; " Fa her Augustine of Dublin, an Eloquent and patriotic Franciscan priest who visited many of the Irish Martyrs of DI6 before they were executed, makes an inspiring speech " ; " Message cabled to Irish-American Envo.. s in Paris."