Peace Rejoicings.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECT/TOR-'1 Sun,—There seems still to be a great deal of uncertainty as to the best way of rejoicing on the conclusion of Peace. The various proposals......
The Races Of Ireland.
(TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sta,—Perhaps you will kindly allow me to offer a few remarks regarding the letters that appeared recently in your interesting weekly. The......
Nonconformists And The Holy Communion. [to The Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR."1 Sim—The Bishop of Oxford presented to the House of Bishops a petition signed by fourteen" representative elerygmen " who Kay "It is not permissible to admit......
Church And State.
(To Tan EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."7 SIR,—It Seems to me that your correspondent "Presbyter Seotus . St Ignotus (Spectator, May 3rd) gives away his ease by admitting as he does......
Italian Foreign Policy.
(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."7 Sun,—One cannot blow hot and Mow cold." If the Yugo- Slays deny the right of the Italians to annex towns which have a considerable Italian......
The Duke Of Wellington's Character. (to The Editor Or Tag
" SPECTATOR.”7 Sue—Stay I be allowed to protest against the statement in your review of Colonel Repington's Vestigia that the Duke of Wellington was a callous man? I thought......
Income Tax. (to The Eihtor Or The " Gencraroa."1 Sir.—not
the least of the Many anomalies in the premnt methods of collecting the Income Tax is that by which an Englishman resident and employed in India or other of our Colonies is,......