On Monday Mr. Lynn, The Member For The Woodvalc Division
of Belfast, asked the Home Secretary "whether, in view of the insults repeatedly offered by Sum Feiners in the South and West of Ireland to the American flag and the American......
Another Article In The Paper Is Entitled " Irish-american...
Making Pro, ress." Among therub-headings we read : " News comes from Paris that Lloyd George at the instigation of Colonel House will discuss the question of Ireland's......
News Of The Week.
IllHE state of Ireland has become worse rather than better, _L and there is no prospect of improvement no long as the Government are divided in counsel. On one side we see the......
We Need Say Little Of The Debate In The House
of Commons en Wednesday, as it led nowhere. Mr. Hartshorn and his supporters had no proposal of the slightest value to make. Lord Henry Bentinck declared that he had become......
In A Leading Article Entitled "the Treaty Of Peace"...
on Thursday week, the Manchester Guardian has the following sentence : "You cannot with impunity violate national self- consciousness or place people of a higher civilization......
That Is The Line Which Mr. Lloyd George Ought To
have taken from the beginning. It was never right, ar: Z never could be Fight, to parley with visitors who, as was well known all the time, came over to help sedition. A......
The Prime Minister, Mr. Boner Law Proceeded To State, Had
now changed his mind about receiving the American citizens because he was unwilling to receive those who " not only took part in politics in Ireland, but took part in a......
.." The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...
letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent lie will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......