We need say little of the debate in the House
of Commons en Wednesday, as it led nowhere. Mr. Hartshorn and his supporters had no proposal of the slightest value to make. Lord Henry Bentinck declared that he had become converted to Homo Rule—on the /urns a non. lucendo principle, we suppose. Mr. Macpherson, the Chief Secretary, made a wise and cool-headed speech, the effect of which was that murders and the grossest outrages were being freely committed in Ireland, and that, whatever new constructive proposals might be applicable to Ireland, the basis of all government was the maintenance of order. That was essential in the interests of the inno:ent public. The Labour leaders had expressed no word of sympathy with the murdered men and their relations. The Government could not and would not bargain with Sinn Fein. In other words, we must carry on the business of government till daylight