The two Committees appointed to fill in the details of
the Idontagn-Chelmsford Report, after inquiry in India, have published their conclusions. Lord Southborough's Committee recommends for the Provincial Councils a property franchise, which will be given to about 5,000,000 persons, instead of, as at present, to 33,000 persons out of 220,000,000. The district or the large city will be the electoral unit. The Mohammedans will be separately represented, as well as the native Christians, Europeans, and Eurasians, but not, unfortunately, the non- Brahmins of Madras, who do not enjoy official favour. Out of 756 members in the eight Councils, 308 will be elected by general constituencies, 185 by communities, 35 by landholders, 8 by Universities, and 45 by commercial interests; there will also be 47 nominees and 128 officials. The Committee proposes that the Council members should elect the SO members of the Legislative Assembly, which will also include 14 nominees and 26 officials ; and that they should also elect 24 members, out of 56, of the 'Council of State."