THE news this week is not so favourable to Russia. In Europe, Osman Pasha still holds out in Plevna, and the Turks are organ- ising an army under Mehemet Ali at Sofia to help him in breaking out. The idea appears to be that the Army of the Lom, Osman Pasha, and Mehemet Ali will all move at once, and that the Russians bewildered and outnumbered will suffer the garrison of Plevna to escape. The Russians, however, are warned, and it is at least 'equally probable that, fighting, as they will, on the defensive, they may repulse all three attacks, and follow Osman into Plevna. The scheme requires the movement of three Turkish armies, and mobility is not the Turks' military strong point. Reinforcements, .especially in artillery, are still passing through Bucharest, and the active General Skobeleff carries position after position on his side of Plevna. The weak place in the Russian arrangements seems to be carelessness, such as that which, as is now certain, enabled the last great convoy to enter Osman's camp.