The Russians Have Not Taken Erzeroum. Mukhtar Pasha...
Government that he might be compelled to abandon the town, but was probably ordered in return to hold on, for he changed his mind and remained. The Russians, there- fore,......
The Lord Chief Baron, Sir Fitzroy Kelly, Was, On Friday
week, in a most pugnacious mood, inclined, as Americans say, " to hold up the banner of his country in the face of a backing-down universe." He had to receive the new Lord......
To Him Replied The Minister Of The Interior, M. Do
Fourtou, mainly with a to quoque. M. Gambetta, he said, in 1871, had exercised arbitrary influence in favour of candidates he approved, and M. do Fourtou thought it, moreover,......
There Has Evidently Been A Fierce Underground Struggle In...
ending in a decision to make no peace. As we read the very obscure reports which reach the West, the Sultan and his chief adviser, Mahmoud Damad, had resolved to treat with......
The Final Result Of The Departmental Elections In France Is
very favourable for the Republicans. It is stated that the Conserva- tives .have got a majority in 44 and the Republicans in 40 Councils- General, while in two Departments the......
The Great French Debate On M. Albert Gravy's Motion For
an investigation into the electoral abuses of the recent contest was begun by M. Albert Gravy on Monday. His resolution recited that " all laws had been violated " in order to......
News Of The Week.
T HE news this week is not so favourable to Russia. In Europe, Osman Pasha still holds out in Plevna, and the Turks are organ- ising an army under Mehemet Ali at Sofia to help......