The Russians have not taken Erzeroum. Mukhtar Pasha warned his
Government that he might be compelled to abandon the town, but was probably ordered in return to hold on, for he changed his mind and remained. The Russians, there- fore, resolved on a coup de main, but two of the three columns 'ordered to make the attack lost their way, and though one redoubt was carried, the assault failed, the troops which entered the fortifications retiring, with a few hundred prisoners. This repulse will of course encourage Mukhtar's men, and the Russians have to wait for heavy artillery, which it is difficult to convey over a load road of 120 miles. 'rite Turkish Government is urging forward reinforcements via Trebizond, but they can hardly be regulars, the supply of which is now exhausted. On the other hand, the Russians are hampered by the necessity of continuing the siege of Kars and by operations against Batoum, which they greatly want to have in their hands, should the War party in 'Constantinople collapse.