FIVE YEARS OF PENAL SERVITUDE.* Tins is no romance. The publishers assure us that it is a real record of five years' penal servitude, by one who has served his time, and we see......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—The world needs educating on the subject of cats. When it knows what wonderful and delightful creatures they are, it will appreciate......
The Independents And Eternal Punishments.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR.1 &n,—The majority of the members of the Congregational Union are too wise to be " very angry" either with Mr. White or with myself, because,......
WAITING. WREN rose-leaves in long grasses fall To bide their shattered head, All tenderly the grasses tall Bow down to veil the dead. And there are hearts content to wait, Still......
Mr. Pattison And His Literary Doctrine.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR,"] Sip,—May I be allowed to point out the singular and amusing discrepancy between the doctrine preached by the Rector of Lincoln in his......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.")
have read with much pleasure your critic's able and interesting article on " The Human Element in Landscape Painting." Will you allow me space to explain why it is that, while......