Sin,—The world needs educating on the subject of cats. When it knows what wonderful and delightful creatures they are, it will appreciate them as we, who have learned that lesson, appreciate them. Then the scoffers will leave off laughing at us, because we love the society and admire the qualities of the cat. I have indeed known some surprising conversions already, and I confidently expect many, when a little project, which has been formed by a few of us who have the advantage of a proper estimation of the most beautiful and entertaining of domestic animals shall have been carried into execution. I will not say more at present than that I hope you will permit me, through your columns, to request that such of your readers as are interested in cats, well acquainted with their ways, and willing to aid in spreading the knowledge of them, will favour me with anecdotes really authentic, and facts which have come under their personal observation. In every case of compliance with this request, it would be necessary that the name and address of the person kindly, furnishing me with infor- mation should be given. Permit me to add that letters on the subject may be addressed to " C. A. T.," care of Messrs. George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden.—I am, Sir, &c.,