Three Little Wanderers. By Christabel R. Coleridge. (S.P.C.K.) —Johnny Rose
is one of the "three wanderers." His fellows are two grey squirrels which a French sailor had given him. Johnny is an orphan, without any one to care for him, but he falls upon his legs, thanks chiefly to his love of animals, which commends him to a certain Finney, a dealer in living curiosities, with a more than common interest in his trade. Finney has two children, one of them an ambitious lad, bent on improving his position in life, who plays a principal part in the story. This story is admirably told. Necessarily slight—it extends to little over a hundred pages—it is a work of art worthy of its accomplished author. The vigour with which the figures are drawn, and the impression of reality which they have, are especially worthy of praise.