17 NOVEMBER 1894, page 14
Where The Brook And The River Meet. By Nellie Hellis.
(Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—This tale offers that mixture of love- making and religion which is so popular with a large class of readers. "How about love-making?" said an......
We Welcome A Now Edition Of Phanlastes: A Paery Romance,
by George Macdonald, with twenty-five Illustrations by john Bell (Matto and - Windus).......
Cassell's Saturday Journal, 1893-94. (cassell And...
to be said about the Saturday Journal. It is a per- petual surprise to see how well these things are kept up, so large is the mass of reading supplied, and so good the level at......
Cheery Chats And Pleasing Pictures. By Mercie Sunshine....
and Bowden )—This is a volume of simple tales and sketches, illustrated with pictures of good average quality.......