After Committing Himself To Give The First Place Next...
to the Disestablishment of the English Church in Wales, and to postpone anything beyond a mere first reading of the Liquor 'Veto Bill to a future Session, Lord Rosebery......
Mr. Balfour Made A Second Speech At Sunderland On Wednesday.
He is said to have been unwell ; and certainly the speech, though full of thoughts, lacks the flashes of wit and the epigrams which marked the speech at Newcastle. The party now......
With Regard To The Rejection Of The Employers' Liability...
by the House of Commons, solely on the ground that one amendment favourable to the interests of a large class of workmen, had been passed by the House of Lords, Mr. Balfour held......
Great Interest Has Been Taken In A Murder Case Tried
at Chelmsford this week. The accused, a clerk named James Canham Read, was believed to have shot, in Plaistow Marshes,, a girl named Florence Dennis, whom he had seduced, and......
Lord Rosebery, On Wednesday, Made A Long Speech In St.
Andrew's Hall, Glasgow, a great part of which was devoted to answering some rather extravagant remarks of Lord Salisbury's as to the independent character and im- partiality of......
Mr. Balfour Made A Striking Speech At Newcastle-on-tyne...
where a Conference of the National Union of Conservative Associations was to be held. He remarked on Lord Roaebery's assertion that the question of reforming the House of Lords......
The General Committee Of The National Liberal Federation...
passed a resolution highly eulogising their retired chairman, Mr. Schnacihorst. They praise his "wisdom in council," his "unfailing tact in policy ; " and Dr. Spence Watson......