South Africa. By George M. Theal. (T. Fisher TJnwin.)— The "Story of the Nations" is certainly extending its range of operations. We shall have to- enlarge the definition of a nation if we are to make it include South Africa. At the same time, it is very convenient to have the many narra- tives which this title naturally includes brought together within a reasonable compass. "South Africa" means, as we learn from the title-page, Cape Colony, Natal, the Orange River Free State, South African Republic, and all other terri- tories south of the Zambesi. The Cape Colony, the Hottentot Wars, the Kaffir Wars, the establishment of British rule, the later history of the Cape Colony, of Natal, and of the Zulu power, the rise of the Dutch Republics, and other matters, are successively treated, and all by a thoroughly competent and well-informed writer. The work was being printed when the late war between Lobengula and the Chartered Company broke out. Mr. Theal must have the credit of having foreseen that it was inevitable, and that the result would be what it was.