Mr. Gladstone delivered a second speech at Liverpool on Wednesday,
filling six columns, all reported by telegraph. It was one of his finest displays. We have remarked upon what seems to 1 us its finest point,—a protest ggfims the idea that there could 41)
exist a race insensible to sym athetic • stice, a morally one-legged people,—elsewhere ; but Ili laddoire touched other topics, gave a singularly lucid history o the Reform Bill, diverged into a defence of compounding, needful in Liverpool, wearisome to men already convinced that compounding must be restored ; and then turned towards Ireland, which he described as a country where a large proportion of the lower class, there unusually numerous, wens either friendly to Fenianisin or coldly neutral. Mr. Gladstone considers Mr. Maguire's account of Irish feeling in America not exaggerated, characterized the accounts of Mr. Scully's evictions as "heartrending," declared that such scenes palliated though they could not justify the hatred of the people, And demanded, in the words of Mr. D'Arcy ISI4Gee, an experiment in "equal and exact justice to Ireland." Its then spoke of the Irish Chinch, and remarked that property bestowed by individuals on that Church, though it belonged to the State, should not be appropriated by the State, and pledged himself that no portion of the surplus of Irish Church property should be devoted to support any religion what- ever. Its precise disposal can only be indicated by Ministers of the Crown, but in any event be means that it should not go to Rome.