Notes On The Old Crosses Of Gloucestershire. By Charles...
F.S.A. (Longmans.)—This is an excellent monograph on a subject interesting to all students of ecclesiastical antiquities, and to Glou- cestershire men especially. It notices......
The Preservation Of Health. By Thomas Inman, M.d....
volume is a reprint of essays which have been already published in one of the medical journals. They are intended primarily for non- medical readers, though we can easily......
The Romance Of Duelling. By Andrew Steinmetz. 2 Vols. (chap-
man and Hall.)—We all know what tedious reading a book of anecdotes may be, and this is a book of anecdotes on one subject. Nor has Mr. Steinmetz been careful to compress his......
Carillon's Year. By The Author Of "lost Sir Massingberd."...
vols. (Bradbury and Evans.)—The story opens well. A rescue from the tide, at a place which is to be identified, we suppose, with the sands of Morecambe Bay, is told with much......
Five Years' Church Work In The Kingdom Of Hawaii. By
the Bishop of Honolulu. (Rivingtons.)—This book is certainly wanting in colour. It gives us very little information and it does not attempt to amuse. But it is very moderate and......
The Royal Cookery Book. By Jules Gouffe. (sampson Low.)...
octavo which weighs about as much as a shoulder of mutton, rich with sumptuous type and binding, and adorned with chromolitho- graphs and woodcuts, seems to demand a more......
The Old Times And The New. (chapman And Hall.)—this Volume
contains the reminiscences of a Scotch laird, reaching back to about thirty years before the end of the last century, and continued up to within twenty years of our own time.......
Wild As A Hawk. By Katharine S. Macquoid. 3 Yobs.
(Tinsley.)— The opening scene in this novel does not promise well. A wife who has been married a few weeks tells her husband that she does not and can not love him ; and that......
Letters From Greece. By Edward Poatlethwaite....
veteran Philhellene, whose journal in Crete we noticed some little time ago. He does not impress us as being a person of very sound judgment ; but he tells us things that he has......
The Westminster Review. October. (triihner.) — The...
of tone, and oven a want of fairness, which lessons the just influence of able arguments. Perhaps the best article in this number is that on "The Property of Married Women," an......