The Royal Cookery Book. By Jules Gouffe. (Sampson Low.) — A splendid
octavo which weighs about as much as a shoulder of mutton, rich with sumptuous type and binding, and adorned with chromolitho- graphs and woodcuts, seems to demand a more detailed criticism than we can give to it. It is not space so much as capacity that we want. Recipes cannot be properly reviewed except in the kitchen ; and of these recipes many evidently require an apparatus criticus more elaborate than a reviewer can ever hope to command. It must not be supposed, how- ever, that M. Gouff6 does not condescend to the needs of humble menages. On the contrary, it is the speciality of his book that it is divided into two parts, one of which treats of domestic, the other of high-class cookery. It is, we should say, a most practical, useful work. Let it appear in a less costly shape, and it cannot miss a large success.