The Several Correspondents In Paris Mention A Report That...
Emperor, aware that with Spain in flames he cannot go to war, intends next week to issue a great manifesto to his people, ex- plaining his policy, granting liberal reforms, and......
Great Eastern Great Northern Great Western Lancashire &...
& Brighton Lon. & North-Western Lou. & South-Western Oct. 9, 41 108 46 1281 61 f 1124 874 Oct. 16. 404 1084 49 1284 53 11.21 61 Lea., Chatbanx& Bezel Metropolitan Midland......
Nations Find It Very Hard To Accept Geographical Facts When
at variance with their instincts. The Czechs will not see that Bohemia has become an enclave of Germany, and agitation for -Czech autonomy has risen to such a height in Prague......
Many Of The Continental, And More Especially German,...
have it that a grand plot was arrested by the Spanish explosion. -Queen Isabella was to garrison Rome, and hold Italy in check while Napoleon crossed the Rhine. At the same......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Oct. 9. Oct. 16. 1 Oct 9. Oct. 16. Brazilian, 1865 774 78 Russian (Anglo-Dutch) , 901 Ulf Egyptian, 1864 824 83 8pm:tisk, 1867 331 33f Italian,......
It Seems That Archbishop Manning In 1840, When He Was
still a Protestant, stood sponsor to Mr. Gladstone's eldest son. Con- .sequently, Mr. Gladstone is abolishing the Irish Church out of friendship for Dr. Manning. This absurd......
A Great Meeting Mis Held In The Guildhall On Tuesday
in aid of the sufferers ruined by the earthquake in Peru and Ecuador. It was attended by all the great City notables, including the members, and was most successful, though the......
Mr. Vining, Lessee Of The Princess's Theatre, Writes To The
Times to say that the extortions of boxkeepers are the fault of the public. They will give. He abolished the present system and paid his boxkeepers' wages, but people would give......
The Times, In A Leading Article Last Saturday On The
proposed Women's College, seems to us to echo some rather unreasonable fears of Lord Carnarvon's as to its effect on young women. It represents the weakness of women as......
Consols Closed At 941 To 94/. Reduced And New Three
per Cents. have marked 931 to 931; India Stock, 114/ to 115, do., Bonds, 20s. to 25s. pretn.; and Exchequer Bills 16s. to 20s. prem. The best short-dated bills have been freely......
"a Traveller," In An Amusing If 'slightly Cynical Letter To
the Pall Mall of yesterday, gives a very favourable account of the Rev. Olympia Brown, a young lady of Universalist views, whom he heard preach in a New England village. She......
M. Prevost Paradol, Prince Of Orleanist Epigrammatists,...
at Biarritz when the Emperor received the ex-Queen of :Spain. The Patrie thereupon declared that he had followed the -ex-Queen from Sebastian to Pau, "desiring a near view of......