Letters from Greece. By Edward Poatlethwaite. (Hotten.)—Mr. Postlethwaite is a
veteran Philhellene, whose journal in Crete we noticed some little time ago. He does not impress us as being a person of very sound judgment ; but he tells us things that he has seen, and so far helps us a little to see into one of the greatest obscurities of modern politics.
We recommend to the notice of the children and the children's friends Peggy, and other Tales. By the Author of "A Very Simple Story.' (Cassell and Co.) "The History of the Threepenny-Bit " is a pretty tale, touching, but not over sad, which a child will gladly listen to and a grown person not get tired of reading. The Natural History of the Three Kingdoms (Cassell and Co.) is a picture-book in which the objects seem fairly well drawn, and which, to those who may like it, combines work and play by giving the French and German names of what is represented.
We have to notice the appearance of an elaborate work on Lathes and Turning, by W. Henry Northcott (Longmans), and a manual of Fret- Cutting and Perforated Carving, by W. Bemrose, junior (Bemrose), giv- ing a description of the tools which the amateur will want and a number of patterns which he may copy.