Details have gradually been leaking out about the disgraceful riots
in Florence, where the Fascists attacked the Freemasons. Several houses were burnt, some Socialists were killed, and others were wounded or beaten. Signor Mussolini is tightening up his rule, and the explana, tion may well be that he plunges deeper because he cannot now go back—though at one time he seemed to-be anxious to do so. At present he evidently thinks that it is im-. possible to build a bridge for returning to a more liberal form of Government. The Rome correspondent of the Morning Post reported in Wednesday's paper that the Federation of Employers and the Fascist Trade Unions have agreed to recognize one another as the sole represen- tatives respectively of Capital and Labour. This, of course, is an inspired movement. The agreement for- mally excludes all the Socialists. The.correspondent says • that there are now 1,750,000 members of the Fascist Trade Unions, a number much greater than the member- ship of old " Red " and " White " Trade Unions put together. • * *