17 OCTOBER 1925, page 28
The Joys Of A Diverted Attention
The Little World. By Stella Benson. (Macmillan. Ss. 6d. net.) AT Hanoi, Miss Benson once came upon a Chinaman, " with an expression, as it were, sheeted in religious fervour,......
A Woman Of The World
Princess Lieven. By Harold Temperley. (Cape. 12s. 6d.) WE are very fortunate in that the Lieven papers have been edited by Mr. Harold Temperley whose temperate opinions and......
An Old Anglo-american Controversy
Great Britain and the American Civil War. By E. D. Adams. 2 vols. (Longman. 30s. net.) Tim belief that the British Government under Palmerston and Russell was unfriendly to the......