17 OCTOBER 1925, page 1

* * We Must Recognize, However, That If We Are

to have Pacts at all, carrying out the intentions of the Covenant, we must, to whatever degree may be necessary, pledge ourselves to do police work against wanton aggression......

The Anti-baldwin Newspapers, On The Look-out Morning And...

a new stick with 'which to beat the Government, arc now complaiping thdt under the Pact Great Britain will sign away her right to decide for herself questions of peace and war.......

Although The Western Pact Is Thus Practicallyachieved,...

treaties which have to do with the boundaries between Germany and Poland and Ger- many and Czecho-Slovakia—have yet to be dealt with. It was an admirable arrangement to keep the......

News Of The Week

T HE Security Pact, so far as it applies to the eastern frontier of France, is ready for signature. Although we do not yet . know exactly how the Pact is worded, it is good news......

The Special Correspondent Of The Tilling At Locarno Days...

it is expected that when the Western Pact has been signed Great Britain and France will be able to make an agreeable announcement to Germany. The speedy evacuation of Cologne......

-editorial A..nd- Publpiiing Offices : 13 York Street,...

London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the "Spectator" costa Thirty Shillings per annuA, including postage, to any part of the world. The Postage on this issue is : Inland, ld.,......