[To the Editor of the SrEcreron.] Snt,—May an exile, please, be allowed to congratulate an old friend on such signs of health as the Spectator displays ? My copy is passed round here, and then sent to another centre for similar treatment. Life is often difficult in the outposts of civilization, and a man sometimes only keeps " white because of frequent and powerful stimuli to think " With some, it is the home letter, with all its gossip and details of village life and problems. Too few, alas ! get such letters ; to the others such an organ as the Spectator is of incalculable value. The weekly informed study and discussion of life and conditions at home impels the " thinking white," which I mean.
Therefore I wish heartily to endorse the suggestion of your advertisement of a Spectator subscription as a present to an Overseas friend. This letter should reach you in time for this to be acted upon for this year's Christmas. May it stimulate action to the mutual benefit of yourself and us exiles I I
enclose my card.—I am, Sir, &c., . AJAX. Uganda.