Mr. Baldwin did well not merely to exonerate but to
thank Mr. Amery who has been very badly used by those newspapers which are always inventing pretexts for abusing the Government. We have often disagreed with Mr. Amery, but in this case we are sure that he was right and that he did well. We were among those who origin- ally regretted our acceptance of responsibilities in Iraq, but now that we are responsible, now that so much money which we could not afford has been actually spent, and now that the unhappy minorities in Mosul have learned to look to us for protection, we feel that it would be both cruel and unwise to withdraw. Accomplished facts have to be recognised in Iraq just as much as in Palestine. When we are dealing with Turkey there are always great dangers, but the best prospect of peace is to be scru- pulously loyal to the League. Then in the event of a crisis we may hope for help. If we throw over the League we could hope for none.