On Thursday, October 8th, the Prime Minister addressed the delegates
of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations at Brighton. We have written in our first leading article about the chief points in the Unionist home policy, but here we must deal with Mosul. Mr. Baldwin very truly said that there had been a good deal of misapprehension about Mosul. So far from having adopted a provocative policy likely to lead to war the Government had been concerned only with the imple- menting of a Treaty of Peace. Under the Lausanne Treaty Turkey and Great Britain had agreed that if the dispute as to the frontier between Turkey and Iraq could not be settled by direct negotiations it should be referred to the Council of the League of Nations. A year ago it was so referred, both parties having agreed in advance to accept the decision of the Council. The Council sent a special Commission to Mosul to investigate and during the recent session at Geneva the Council had considered the Commission's Report.
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