Slowly but surely the friendly invasion of London by the Scottish banks continues. Until quite recently the Scottish banks confined their activities in 'London to one office in the heart of the City, but two circumstances have combined to stimulate a spirit of enterprise in the direction of extending their borders. In the first place, the influence and activities of the City offices of the Scottish banks have undoubtedly steadily increased, while, in the second place, the invasion of Scotland by the Big Five some few years ago, whereby certain of the Scottish banks became affiliated with the English institutions, undoubtedly prompted a spirit of retaliation on the part of those Scottish banks which through- out preserved their independence. Thus, a few years ago we had the Royal Bank of Scotland leading the way by a fusion with the famous old bank of Drummonds, thereby estab- lishing an important West End connexion. Still more recently we have had the Commercial. Bank of Scotland opening a branch in Kingsway, and now I learn that yet another Scottish bank, which at present has -its one London office in the City, has acquired premises in an important business centre