17 OCTOBER 1952, Page 16

Closing the Abbey

Stn,—It was with dismay that I read in one of your recent issues that it was intended to close Westminster Abbey for a period of six months prior to the Coronation in order that platforms and galleries may be erected all over the interior for the accommodation of the " privi- leged" to witness the Coronation ceremony. Why six months ? Would not a week suffice ? The Abbey is a shrine visited with the deepest feelings by thousands of English men and women who live overseas and who on their rare visits to England love to make their devotions in that hallowed spot. To be frustrated in doing so for so long a period as six months is an outrage to decency and to common sense.

I would be very pleased to hear that the Queen, her chief officers of Government and the necessary clergymen had gone down one fine morning to the Abbey and carried out the Sacrament of Coronation without all this hullabaloo of preparation, news-gossip and picture- taking. It should be a religious dedication, not a worldly pageant. The Queen is the Queen of the people, not of a clique.—Yours faithfully,


95 Bernard Avenue, Toronto 5, Canada.