17 OCTOBER 1952, page 18

Potash Dressing The Man Who Grows Fruit For A Living

never neglects the ground round his trees. Many gardeners miss the signs of deficiency in the soil that shows in browning at the edges of leaves before they die naturally. A......

Lovers Of Paris

and a few friends are forming the Paris Society with the aim of studying the charm and beauty and appreciating the infinite interest of Paris. May we hope for the hospitality of......

Rain At Nightfall

The black cloud that crept over the wood prevented my seeing the magpies that were flitting about in- the tops of the trees; and even the pigeon went in to cover at the first......

A Library For Delinquents

SIR,—We have been asked to help in the provision of books to be loaned to young delinquents from their probation office. They live in areas remote from library facilities, and......

Wealdstone Sir,-comment On Such A Terrible Thing As The...

accident ought to be carefully worded. Your front-page commentator slipped into a regrettable phrase when he wrote, " One hundred per cent. safety on the railways may not be......

A Farmer's Enemies

A farmer should know his friends and be sure that he is destroying only his foes when he lifts his gun or baits his trap, but sometimes the evidence of a few uprooted plants, a......

The Japanese

Sm,—Most people will agree with Mr. R. G. Abercrombie that harp- ing on the past is incompatible with the desire to ensure better inter- national relationships in the future;......


The most fascinating. thing about a stoat is its stance. It has the poise of a snake about to strike. One is hardly ever close enough to see whether it blinks or not, but I......

Carl Nielsen Defended

SIR,—Mr. Martin Cooper's reference to Carl Nielsen's music in the Spectator of the 12th September calls for comment. " I suspect," he writes, " that the Nielsen movement is the......

Country Life

I MAY yet become a bee-keeper, having helped to move two colonies in their hives. Two of us staggered through a nettle-bed and across a very uneven potato-patch to bring the......