17 OCTOBER 1952, Page 18

A Library for Delinquents

SIR,—We have been asked to help in the provision of books to be loaned to young delinquents from their probation office. They live in areas remote from library facilities, and books are non-existent in their homes. By developing a small library the probation officer can strengthen an official contact, while stimulating the mind and widening the horizon of the young people who need this help.

They are aged eight to sixteen years. The choice of books is not easy, for their taste is not adult. Some of your readers who under- stand this problem may be able to send one or two books to us: others may be able to send a special donation which will be used to buy books direct from the publishers. All books or donations will be acknowledged, and we hope that readers of the Spectator will be anxious to make a small contribution to those who are in active contact with this

problem.—Yours faithfully, H. C. LAWTON. Education and Action for Leisure,

Parliament Mansions, Abbey Orchard Street, S.W.I.