17 OCTOBER 1952, page 16

Eisenhower For Stevenson

SIR,—II appears likely that General Eisenhower will win the election next month by a not inconsiderable margin of electoral and popular votes, and it seems probable that his......

Publicity Needed

SIR,—Mr. John Benn's article in your September 26th issue raised several important issues. Unfortunately it is true that business-men overseas are not at present being made......

Closing The Abbey

Stn,—It was with dismay that I read in one of your recent issues that it was intended to close Westminster Abbey for a period of six months prior to the Coronation in order that......

Mr. Shakespeare—sheridan—shaw

SIR,—A wcek or so ago Strix referred to the latest theory on the much disputed authorship of Shakespeare's plays. Perhaps he might be interested in a yet later theory of my own......

Letters To The Editor

Selection of Prison Officers SIR,—I have not read Joan Henry's book Who Lie In Gaol, but from correspondence in the Spectator, and other papers, it is apparent that fault has......

Re-establishing The Tradition

SIR,—It happens that the bush telegraph had been unusually active before the opening of the Looking Forward exhibition in Whitechapel. That the " hares " it promised were not in......