The retreat of the Carlist chief GOMEZ before ESPARTERO, and
the demolition of the band of marauders commanded by Bt.- sum GARCIA, formed the subject of almost every letter writ- ten by the correspondents of Liberal journals from Madrid, till within this week ; when we were unexpectedly told that GOMEZ and BASILIO had effected a junction, and completely defeated a considerable body of the Queen's troops at Jaracque, in the pro- vince of Guadalaxara, a fbw marches from Madrid. This ac. Lion took place on the 30th of August. The Royalist force was commanded by LOPEZ, and consisted of 2000 men ; of whom 500 were killed, and most of the others taken prisoners. The ap- proach of the rebels so near to the capital created much alarm. ROD1L went out at the head of a body of horse and foot to en- counter the insurgents ; who, however, after plundering the town of Guadalaxara, retreated—pursued, it is said by EseARTERO, who never contrives to come up with them. The defenceless state of the country may be conjectured from the fact that a small division of the Carlist army has been able to penetrate almost to Madrid, eluding one Royalist general and defeating another, and levying contributions on their road. This is the only piece of news from Spain this week, which pos- sesses any importance. From St. Sebastian the intelligence is of the usual complexion. Want of food and pay spreads discontent in the ranks of the Legion. Colonel CONSIDINE, General EVANS'S Military Secretary, has retired from the service; having been of- fered the place of Military Secretary to General WHITTINGTON, who is about to assume the chief command of the British forces in the West Indies.