The Following Letters Have Passed Between Lord John...
Mr. Buckingham, relative to the attack on Lord John in Mr. Buckingham's recent speech to his constituents at Sheffield. " (No. 1.) Tunbridge wells. 3d September 1336. " Sir—I......
We Have To. Day Received Accounts From St. Sebastian Of
the 5th in- stant ; and are sorry to learn from a well-informed officer, that the greatest dissatisfaction prevails in the Legion. Money was not to be had, and six months' pay......
It Appears From The Paris Papers Received This Morning, That
Lours PHILIP has not yet succeeded in procuring a Minister of War; and. there is some hitch in the appointment of MARTIN du Nord to the Ministry of Public Works. MARTIN wishes......
We Have Received Private Assurances From A Well-informed...
the Queen of Portugal was always favourably disposed towards the Constitution, and that at no time since her accession would it have required force to cause her to accept it. On......
The Proprietors Of Newspapers Have Been Duly Apprized By The
Stamp-office authorities, that " u distinctive die " will be imposed on all papers after the 1st of January next. The Times, very sore on this tender subject, " grills horrible......
The Messager Des Chambres Has Accounts From Madrid...
the continuance of the present Ministry in power. The Ultra- Liberals, it is supposed, will prove too strong for them. The following is an extract from a letter from Madrid in......
Postscript •
SATURDAY NIGHT. A MILITARY revolution has been effected at Lisbon. The Constitu- tion of 1820 has been proclaimed, and the Minstry dismissed. This was effected early on the......
Musical Notices In Our Next Number. Several...
received, 11.-sides those inserted, which we have not foutal leisure to read : for such as turn cut well, our columns will be open at some convenient time-fur the rest there is......
East India Shipping.
Arrivals-None. Sailed—From Gravesend, Sept. 10th, Orontes, Currie, for Madras; Nth, Emma Eu- genia, Buchan, tor China ; Egbert. l'aulin, for Mauritius ; and Grace, Barton, for......