Representation Of Sheffield.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sheffield, 5th September 1836. Sia—If I and the class to which I belong, which comprises a considerable majority of the middle and lower ranks in......
The New Strand Theatre Closes To-night, After A Season Which
ex- travaganza and burlesque have rendered very successful. VESTRIS has summoned her company. Among the improvements in the interior of the Olympic, is the entire removal of the......
Covent Garden Opened On Monday, Just As It Closed Three
months ago: every thing is ia stela quo—the chandelier alone excepted ; and its lustre is felt to be impertinent ; it should be dimmed, to harmonize with the surrounding......
Historical Painting.
TO TILE EDITOR OF TILE SPECTATOR. King's Bench. lath September 1936. Stn — I appeal to the English People, the Nobility, the Government, and the King, if the condition of......
To Ti1e Editor Of The Spectator.
MR. EDITOR—It is well for you, you were not born in the days of Herod, or yo u would most surely have been cut off with the other innocents. Do you really imagine the Fire......
The House-burning System.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. ...." A Steam Fire-engine which performed wonders : what has become of it ? "—Vide SPECTA1OR, 1101 Sept. Ma. EDITOR—I will tell you what has......
To The Editor Of Tile Spectator.
SIR—Forgive the expression, but you appear to have nearly stumbled upon an efficient mode of extinguishing fires, without seeing it. Could not a pipe or hose be screwed on the......